Planning & Pregnancy

Metallic Taste In Mouth During Pregnancy – Dysgeusia

Metallic taste in mouth during pregnancy - dysgeusia

Metallic Taste In Mouth During Pregnancy – Dysgeusia


During pregnancy, an influx of hormones is responsible for a number of changes. These hormones can also bring about unwanted symptoms, especially during the first trimester.

Pregnancy can affect almost every part of your body, and your mouth and taste buds are no exception. One of the more unusual symptoms of pregnancy can be a strange metallic taste in the mouth.

Many expectant women report having a metallic or sour taste in their mouths as one of their pregnancy symptoms. When this first appears it can be an almost vague, unpleasant taste which is difficult to describe. Some people refer to this by its sensation and just call it “metal mouth”. But it is very much real and it actually has a name – Dysgeusia.


Sensory changes during pregnancy


Sensory changes from pregnancy can leave unusual tastes in your mouth. A common one of these is the notorious metallic taste.

Estrogen and progesterone levels increase when you are pregnant to help your body maintain your growing baby. While hormones are certainly necessary, they also contribute to symptomatic changes in the body.

Another cause for dysgeusia can be the connection between smell and taste. During pregnancy, it is common for women to develop a more acute sense of smell. The relationship between smell and taste is well known but it goes up to another level during pregnancy. If something smells particularly strong or unpleasant to you in any way, then chances are the metallic taste in your mouth will increase as well.

This symptom is more common during the first trimester.

You need not worry that you are experiencing something strange because as per one study, a whopping 93 percent of pregnant women reported some change in taste during pregnancy.

While it can be hard to put into words exactly what the taste experience is like, you will recognize it if and when it happens to you.

As your pregnancy progresses and your hormones settle down, the metallic taste should dissipate.


 How to get rid of the metallic taste?


There is no such treatment that can get rid of the metallic taste you experience during pregnancy.

Although, there are some steps that you can take to minimize this symptom.


  1. Drink citrus juices or consume foods marinated in vinegar (like pickle, olives, etc).
  2. Frequent tooth brushing with particularly minty flavoured toothpaste.
  3. Rinse your mouth with mild salt solution.
  4. Drink glasses of plain water through the day, each with a squeeze of fresh lemon or lime juice.
  5. Eat citrus fruits like – oranges, grapefruit, lemons, pineapple and kiwi-fruit.
  6. Sip on ice cold water or even ice chips may help. You can try freezing some with lemon or lime juice added.
  7. You can talk to your doctor about changing your prenatal vitamins as some of them are more likely to lead to a metal mouth.

Oral hygiene can also go a long way in terms of keeping bad tastes at bay.


Like morning sickness, dysgeusia does get better and sometimes disappears with time. Especially by your second trimester when those hormones begin to settle down a little.


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