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Vastu Tips For Money Plant


Vastu Tips For Money Plant


A money plant is good for your home and can have a positive effect on your financial health. But you need to make sure that you are taking good care of it. In this post, we will cover some tips on how to use it and take care of it.


Tips To Take Care Of Money Plants As Per Vastu:


Here are a few useful tips for taking care of your money plant and how to use it properly below to get wealthy.

1. Facing the South-East Direction:

A Vastu Shastra tip for money plants is to be located in your home’s southeastern corner. This helps to attract prosperity and keep away negative energy.

2. Water it frequently:

A dry and wilting money plant will bring you bad luck and misfortune. And we mean bad financial health, by misfortune. Make sure your leaves stay healthy and don’t dry or wipe away. Don’t let the ground touch the plant. If they wither away or dry up, you can prune and cut their stems and leaves, but make sure they keep it well.

3. Never  kept in the East-west Direction:

It is said that keeping your money plant east-west is an invitation to house trouble. This could lead to arguments and messy moments if you’re married, so make sure that the money plant is not facing in this direction.

4. Make it grow indoors:

When it grows indoors, a money plant works best. Keep it out of direct sunlight and grow it in a glass bottle or pot.

5. Keep it at the North Entrance:

It is said that the keeping of your money plant at the north entrance invites you to new income sources and to multiple career opportunities. It also brings good luck.

6. Say No to Red

Do not store any red-colored items in the kitchen or put the plant on any red surfaces like near red washing machines, dustbins, mixer grinders, etc. The kitchen and these items tend to take your wealth away and bring you bad luck.

7. Use a green vase or a blue bottle:

By keeping a money plant in a green vase or blue-colored bottle, you can attract more wealth into your life. A scenic painting can also be used as a backdrop to amplify the flow of positive energy into your home.

8. De-clutter Your Home:

To prevent negative blocking or interruption of your energy flow it is so important to de-cluttering your home. Enforce that you can go from room to room without being blocked and make sure the plant has sufficient space and is not squeezed in one corner.

9. The Greener, the Better

A money plant is a symbol of fortune and it is important how you look after it. Generally speaking, the greener the leaves the better your finances are.

10. Do Not Let Others Cut It:

Do not let others cut your money plant when the leaves dry up or it is time to cut down some stalks. This also means that friends, family or neighbors are not allowed to do so. It’ll symbolize giving someone your wealth for free if you let them cut it.

11. Use Large Pot:

Whether you’re choosing to plant it in a vase or a pot, make sure to get a large container for the plant. This is because money plants tend to grow haphazardly and not uniformly, in different directions.

12. Frequently Check The Soil:

Ask your gardener if you’re not sure, which type of soil works best for your cash plant. It is said that aerated soil is good for money plants.

13. Keep minimal use of fertilizers:

We suggest that you don’t use any fertilizers for your money plant if it’s winter. In summers, you may occasionally give the plant a feed based on liquid nitrate. For your money plant, homemade fertilizers would be a better option.

14. Often Pruning Works Too:

When it comes to planting care, you don’t have to go overboard. Just regular pruning is enough to keep the leaves in good shape and protect them from harsh weather conditions.

15.  Use Heart-shaped Leaves Plant:

Make sure the leaves are heart-shaped when shopping for a money plant. This attracts prosperity, wealth and encourages healthy relationships.

16. Check the Water:

If you made sure that everything is fine and you water the plant regularly, but the leaves are still turning yellow, then the problem could be the water. Use filtered water to water your plant and try to avoid using fluoridated or chlorinated water. It is also known that overwatering leads to leaves yellowing.

In order to ensure your money plant contributes to improving your financial health, follow the above guidelines and let us know how it works.

Also Read: Ideas To Create Vertical Garden

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