
35 Weeks Pregnant: What To Expect?

35 weeks pregnant what to expect

      35 Weeks Pregnant: What To Expect?

A mixed bag of emotions is 35 weeks pregnant. Pregnant women are almost happy to be at the end of their pregnancy. There is also a great deal of anxiety, however, which is felt due to the approaching due date. During this time, the main event is the gradual descent of the baby into the pelvis region as it prepares to go out into the world. 

Baby’s Growth During Pregnancy – Week 35

Now that you’re around the end of the third quarter, your baby is going through some final touches, for example:

  • Weight Gain: Your baby may gain several hundred grams and will continue to gain several hundred grams until delivery due to the increased fat layer. The fat helps to regulate the baby’s temperature and give it energy.
  • Soft Head: The brain will grow at a remarkable pace and this rapid growth is accommodated by the ‘ soft spots ‘ on the baby’s head. In addition, a baby’s soft head also enables a smoother delivery as it enables your baby to move through the birth channel.
  • Kidney function: By this time, the kidneys of the baby would have matured fully. 
  • Liver function: The liver can now function as it can process some of the waste products.

What is the Baby’s Size?

Baby size is about the size of a honeydew melon when you’re pregnant for 35 weeks. That’s approximately 18 inches long! The baby has been packed by now on a lot of weight and is about 2.3 kg. That’s about as heavy as your belly carrying a 14-inch laptop!

35-week Symptoms of Pregnancy

You probably feel some of these 35 weeks of pregnant symptoms as you wrap up your eighth month.

  • The urge to pee frequently: Yup, the baby (or babies, if you’re 35 weeks pregnant with twins) pressing on your bladder, who are probably sitting pretty low in your pelvis, getting ready to get born. Nevertheless, don’t let the extra trips to the bathroom deter you from drinking plenty of water— dehydration puts you in danger of premature labor, so drink.
  • Constipation: We’ve said it before and we’re going to say it again: make sure your diet contains plenty of fiber. If you’ve tried it all and are still struggling with constipation, ask your doctor if a fiber supplement or a stool softener is okay for you.


  • Hips and pelvis, aches and pains: These ouchies continue — and you might even feel a few new ones. Look at the bright side while you’re dealing with discomfort: it’s a sign that your body gets ready to deliver your baby. Yep, actually, all this pain has a purpose! Your ligaments loosen so that the baby can make his way out of the uterus and into the world.
  •  Braxton Hicks Contractions. You may have noticed an increase in the number of contractions you have at 35 weeks of pregnancy. How hard your belly can get! It’s kind of crazy! Just keep an eye on these contractions; rest and drink plenty of water when you get them.

35 weeks pregnant belly

Growing, growing Yup, you and your baby. Now that you’ve been pregnant for 35 weeks, your uterus has grown to about a thousand times its original size, a number that may sound exaggerated to everyone else— but it probably feels more than a million to you. Every week you can expect to earn about half a pound until you give birth.

Pregnant for 35 weeks is a good time to look at the signs of labor. You might think this is early, but at this point, about 11 percent of singleton moms give birth prematurely. While moms who are pregnant with twins for 35 weeks are almost considered the full term. To recap, here are the real, real deal signs, call-the-OB-and-grab-your-hospital-bag labor:

  • Water Breaking: If you experience something that is less like discharge and more like a flow of water, you will know that your water has broken. It can occur in a big gush (like in the movies) or a slow trickle that just keeps coming.
  • Painful Contraction:  The Braxton Hicks have nothing to do with real contractions. If in your 35 weeks pregnant belly or back, you suddenly feel pain, instead of some mild tightness, it might be time.
  • Regular Contraction:  True contractions occur regularly and do not stop — they will continue to become more frequent and more painful. Probably your doctor will tell you where to call her and let her know about your contractions. A good thumb rule is to call for the first pregnancy when contractions are about 5 minutes apart. If it’s not your first call earlier— more like when 10-15 minutes apart, as second (and later) labors tend to be much shorter.

Unsure if a symptom of 35 weeks of pregnancy could be a sign of work? Call the doc always to be safe.


35 Weeks Ultrasound

Baby’s hearing is now fully developed, and the best response to high – pitched noises is your 35-week fetus. If you’re pregnant with a boy, you’d see on an ultrasound that’s pregnant for 35 weeks that his testes probably went down completely (bet you didn’t think about it!).

Also Read: 34 Weeks Pregnant: What To Expect?

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