
Benefits of Cursive Writing for Kids

Benefits of Cursive Writing for Kids

There is nothing more than putting pen to paper when it comes to relaxing the brain. According to the study, cursive writing is claimed to be important to cognitive development. Everyone as parents needs their children to be more focused and brighter. Including the growth of the brain, cursive writing gives children several other advantages. Scroll down for the benefits of cursive writing for kids.

What Is Cursive Writing?

Writing is no less than a type of art, despite the existence of numerous ways to convey letters on paper. Cursive writing stands out as a technique of writing that focuses on stringing together the letters which form a single word. While every letter is printed on paper separately and only, cursive writing uses fluid hands to bind them, thereby making writing and reading easier.

Benefits of Cursive Writing for Kids

Developing an attractive, legible style of cursive handwriting undoubtedly has tremendous aesthetic value. It also has many mental, physical, social, and practical benefits.

1. Neural connections strengthened

Cursive handwriting activates the brain in ways that are difficult to type. It facilitates the complex interplay between the left and right cerebral hemispheres, helps build neural pathways and improves mental effectiveness. “Brain activities pictures show that sequential finger movements used for hand-writing activated large parts of the brain involved in thinking, language, and working memory. Handwriting varies from typing, as it requires sequential finger strokes to shape a letter, whereas keyboarding needs only pressing a key.”

2. Encourages Motor Skills Development

“Cursive handwriting develops sensory abilities naturally. Through repeating them, children begin to understand how much force is needed on pencil and paper, how the pencil is placed in the appropriate corner and how the motor plan is designed to shape a letter from left to right with fluid movement. The physical and spatial awareness helps them to write, but more importantly, it creates the neural basis for the sensory ability to copy words from blackboards and, particularly, read a variety of day-to-day tasks such as fastening, tying shoes or securing objects.

3. Improved legibility and spelling ability

“Cursive handwriting develops sensory abilities naturally. Through repeating them, children begin to understand how much force is needed on pencil and paper. How the pencil is placed in the appropriate corner and how the motor plan is designed to shape a letter from left to right with fluid movement. The physical and spatial awareness helps them to write. But more importantly, it creates the neural basis for the sensory ability to copy words from blackboards and, particularly, read a variety of day-to-day tasks such as fastening, tying shoes or securing objects.

4. Improved legibility and spelling ability

Cursive allows children to write from right to left in order to include letters in the correct sequence and spacing to enhance reading. This also facilitates muscle memory spelling, as the hand acquires memory of writing patterns through the repetition of fluid movements. It is the same phenomenon when pianists learn moves by repeating patterns of hands.

5. Makes Children Intelligent

Cursive writing will help the child to become smarter, according to memory experts and researchers. Handwriting propels the brain to simultaneously combine multiple stimuli such as tactile and visual information while employing fine motor skills. Dr. Klemm says memory doctor, cursive gives the brain the same advantages as you learn to play a musical instrument or use any device.

Benefits of Cursive Writing for Kids

Image Source- Pixabay

6. Enhance self-discipline

Cursive handwriting is complex, inherent in developing fine-motor skills and coordination of hand eyes. Cursive learning also helps children to improve their self-discipline, which is useful in all fields of life.

7. Ease of learning

The constant stop-and-start motion for the creation of letters makes printing more difficult than cursive. However, some printed letters look identical and are easily reversed, such as b and d, sometimes confusing for kids. Cursive is of particular value to children with learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dysgraphia and attention problems.

8. Enhances the learning process

Typically, when children learn a language, they learn in one form. By learning to write in a cursive style, they can get another opportunity to learn the alphabets, verbs, and phrases. Ultimately, it allows them to fully understand and remember the English language.

Benefits of Cursive Writing for Kids

Image Source- Pixabay

9. Helps kids with learning difficulties

It is difficult for children with dyslexia and other learning disabilities to write in print format since they interpret certain letters as identical. Cursive letters look a lot different from the letters in print. They open up yet another opportunity for disabled children. In the end, it allows them to overcome their impairment and to become more confident.

10. Promotes faster-writing speed

Good speed means that the experiments are performed within the appropriate timeframe, and all potential questions are answered. Cursive writing helps children write quicker than the normal printing style because they need to raise their pen less often.

11. Kinesthetic benefits 

When learning to write in cursive, students need to coordinate fine motor skills with both visual and tactile processing capabilities. The physical act of putting pen to paper builds basic muscle memory for learning. Writing in cursive requires knowledge not only of the shape of letters but also of the curves and connections. This includes hand-eye coordination— a skill vital to learning how to play a musical instrument, participating in sports, using equipment, and even mastering a computer keyboard.

These are some of the benefits of cursive writing for kids. Well, there are many more reasons to teach cursive writing to your child To recognize them, motivate your child to take his lessons in cursive writing from today!

Most parents can learn how to teach kindergarten children cursive writing. Starting early in life certainly helps children, but concentrating on gestures of the hands and ensuring that they are properly practiced will set the stage for later years.

Also Read: Tips To Improve Your Child’s Handwriting



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