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Benefits Of Pomegranate Peel For Skin, Hair, And Health

Benefits Of Pomegranate Peel For Skin, Hair, And Health

Pomegranate peel has several medicinal properties and is used for various ailments. It has antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties along with a lot of health benefits. Scroll down for the benefits of pomegranate peel for skin, hair, and health.

Benefits Of Pomegranate Peels

Pomegranate peel is full of antioxidants and can cure the sore throat and cough, detoxify the body, prevent wrinkles and signs of aging. Store them for wonderful benefits of pomegranate peel instead of throwing them away.

1. Help In Detoxification Of The Body

Antioxidants fight toxic agents in the body proactively. The high antioxidant content of pomegranate peel is therefore a powerful tool when used to detoxify the body. A study conducted on mice found that aqueous extracts of pomegranate peel may promote detoxification. The toxins that are present in the body are said to be extremely useful in fighting. However, in this context, there are limited data available.

Benefits Of Pomegranate Peel For Skin, Hair, And Health

Image Source- Pixabay

2. Cure Sore Throat And Coughs

Pomegranates are traditionally used to relieve cough and to help soothe ailment in the form of a powdered gargle with water. Multiple studies have shown that the pomegranate pulp hydroalcoholic extract has antibacterial properties that may help treat sore throat and cough.

3. Act As A Natural Moisturiser And Sunscreen

Anecdotal evidence, however, indicates that ellagic acid found in the pomegranate peel will prevent moisture from drying up in the skin cells, thereby hydrating the skin. Pomegranate peel is also said to hydrate and protect your skin and to re-establish its pH balance against environmental toxins. They are also used for their moisturizer in skincare products. Pomegranate peel contains efficient sunblocking agents and acts as a natural sunscreen to prevent and repair UVA and UVB ray damage to the skin.

4. Fight Against Skin Cancer

Incredible new studies have revealed that pomegranate extracts contain a preventive agent to combat skin cancer. Pomegranate peel’s anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties are claimed to be effective in preventing and treating skin cancer. The pomegranate peel inhibits the process of proliferation of cancer cells, thereby reducing the risk of skin cancer. However, very few research studies in this regard are available and longer-term investigations are necessary to understand the benefits of pomegranate peel in humans.

5. Rich Source Of Vitamin C

Vitamin C is present in abundance in pomegranate peel, another must-have nutrient for which we also buy expensive supplements. Vitamin C is a vast growth agent that cures injuries and forms scar tissue. To build body mass, it forms proteins and is an important player in repairing and maintaining cartilage, bones, and teeth.

6. Boost Bone Health

In reducing bone density loss, pomegranate peels are effective. Research shows that eating pomegranate peel concoctions can improve the health of the bone and prevent the onset of osteoporosis following menopause. A study found that pomegranate peel is high in flavonoids, tannins, and polyphenols. It has a beneficial effect on bone health by taking their extract as a dietary supplement.

Benefits Of Pomegranate Peel For Skin, Hair, And Health

Image Source- Pixabay

7. Fight Acne, Pimples And Rashes

Pomegranate peel is said to be anti fungal, antiviral and anti-inflammatory. It can combat skin problems, such as acne, bumps and rashes effectively. The peel is rich of antioxidants and contributes to the prevention of bacteria and other infections. Anecdotal evidence suggests that pomegranates are used as facial packs or scrub to help remove dead skin cells from your face.

8. Prevent Wrinkles 

Sun exposure and pollution are two major reasons for premature ageing. Studies suggest that pomegranate peel extract promotes procollagen synthesis when used with seed oil, combats collagen break down enzymes and effectively promotes the skin cell development. Thus, skin ageing and wrinkles are naturally and effectively delayed.

An Ellagic Acid found in pomegranate peel extracts can alleviate wrinkles in a study conducted at University Hallym (Korea) on the cells of human human skin and hairless mouse. It may thus help to keep your skin younger.

9. Protect Against Heart Disease

Pomegranate peel is rich in antioxidants that protect LDL cholesterol from oxidation. Vasculoprotective effects are also said to prevent cardiac problems. This is useful because LDL cholesterol oxidation can lead to oxidative stress in your body, a significant contributor to cardiac disease and other conditions

10. Improve Dental Hygiene

In powders and toothpaste, pomegranate peels are frequently used. The effects of these peels on bacteria and antibodies could help manage a variety of dental problems, such as gingivitis, dental plaques, caries and mouth ulcers. More long-term studies are however needed to pomegranate peels to understand this advantage.

11. Prevent Dandruff

The anti-fungal activity of the peel helps to reduce hair loss due to the fungal activity, as well as prevent dandruff. Pomegranate extracts have been used effectively to fight hair loss and to proactively control dandruff.

So, these are 11 benefits of pomegranate peel.

How To Make Pomegranate Powder

Follow these steps to make pomegranate powder in the confines of your home.

  • Take four to five pomegranate fruits and split each fruit, lengthwise, into four parts.
  • Remove all the seeds and keep the peels separate.
  • Cut into two halves each peel.
  • If you wish to use the peels for therapeutic purposes, peel away the yellow portion just beneath the red skin with a knife. The yellow portion can give your concoctions bitter taste when dried and powdered. However, you can keep the yellow portion intact if you are using the peel for an external application.
  • On a plate or dry cloth, place the peels and bring them to immediate sunlight. Let them dry.
  • Until they become hard and lose all moisture, leave the peels under the light.
    In a clean, dry food processor, add all the sun-dried peels and grind for two minutes until you get a fine powder.
  • Store the powder in a glass jar that is clean and airtight.

Pomegranate are famous for their taste and health. The peel of this fruit, however, also has some amazing properties that can treat many ailments. It is said that these peels possess antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties and can combat many problems with the skin and health. So, don’t waste the peel of this fruit next time. In powder form, store it and use it to reap its advantages.

Also Read: Benefits Of Turmeric For Skin And Body



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