Life and work

Biggest Myths About Working Mothers

Biggest Myths About Working Mothers

The mothers who work are still at the heart of the conflict. What makes us tick, how we work, and who we really think is a matter of utter curiosity. Why else do we find whole studies of whether working mothers are happier and healthier than working mothers? Keep scrolling down for the most common myths about working mothers.

Working or not, it is not easy for mothers. A gaggle of assumptions that work to pull them down or pit them against each other is what probably makes their lives harder. Time to debunk these.

Biggest Myths About Working Mothers

Image Source – Pixabay

Major Myths About Working Mothers

People say, you can’t give your best anywhere’ OR ‘you can’t keep everybody happy! ‘However, that is not real. Is it?

All of these assumptions have been proved wrong by working women, particularly mothers. They maintain a perfect balance between work and personal life. They do have deadlines for work. Husband, friends, neighbors, and everything they have to do with their children!

So we’re here with a lot of myths that people have about working mothers.

1. All working moms look down at all non-working moms

There have been moments when I was talking to a stay-at-home mom and thinking, “Wow, she really doesn’t get it.” I’ve also seen the same mom organize the biggest and most popular fundraiser event in the history of my daughter’s preschool while taking care of three children of her own. So while no working mother should be disdainful of another mother simply because she has no job, some do occasionally. In view of the fact that many mothers have remained at home, it is not fair to say that each mother employed feels this way.

2. Working mothers cannot spend much time with their families

Yeah! Yes! Yes! Her work is her passion. She bestows on her to accomplish her goals. This doesn’t mean that she’s less committed to her family. All are upgrading their lifestyles with the growing culture. They learn the strategies and ways to preserve their work and personal life.

Indra Nooyi, CEO of PepsiCo, is potentially committed to the company. Nevertheless, she is still concerned with her children and their families.

3. Working moms aren’t as committed as others to their work

Moms take longer than any other employee group. This is because women usually take sick leave than men, maybe because women tend to care for themselves and look for medical care when they don’t feel good, and mothers are more likely than a dad to stay with an ill child at home. But taking sick days doesn’t mean that mom doesn’t care about her career. And if a mom travels, it’s because she either wants to or needs to. Nor will any circumstance make her less committed to her job.

4. They are primarily searching for work-at-home options

Certainly! That would be a perfect way to work at home. Women would be able to take care of household tasks as well as work equally. They’ll be able to spend more time with their children. With your laptop, you can even go on family trips. This choice would have been stress-free. But is that true? No.

Working mothers are more relaxed open to the possibility of working from home. But, they’re not intentionally sticking to this notion. They’ll go out and work if needed and the job is good.

Biggest Myths About Working Mothers

Image Source – Pixabay

5. Working mothers appear to be more depressed

People come up with certain reasons and claim that they are true. Maybe she wouldn’t cry if a woman had swollen eyes. Perhaps she did everything she wanted to do, right from cooking the meal to tucking the kids to bed. She stayed up all night maybe later to prepare for her presentation.

What’s more, even though what you think is true, why gossip? She is clearly in a position where none of us want to stay. Find out to see if she needs help. The least everyone can do is be a good friend to her.

Biggest Myths About Working Mothers

Image Source – Pixabay

6. They are more likely to get divorced

People assume this on their own. If a woman works, she won’t be able to meet the needs of her family. This could lead to her divorce, where she’s not even going to live with her children. Is it really?

Maybe she’s got it all sorted out with her husband and kids. Maybe they intend to keep the bond active and intend to do so. Perhaps they are truly a happy family with shared understanding.

What assures you about the cause of her marriage, even though it ended up in a divorce? There’s a chance she’s been through a lot. Bad marriages are happening in every corner of the world. There’s no need to point it out as the reason just because of a woman’s working.

7. Moms who work trying to prove something

The assumption is that we are so interested in what the world thinks we are exposed to the horrible experience of trying to show others how big we are. It’s like it never happened to these people that working mothers really enjoy a career, or that we don’t have time to worry about what people think. The majority of working mothers are motivated by forces that are much more profound than the views of others like being a fantastic mother, thriving in our profession, and questioning each day of our own greatness.

Biggest Myths About Working Mothers

Image Source – Pixabay

8. Working moms have more chance of having extramarital affairs

Working moms spend more time out of the home, are likely to have more regular interactions with other people, and thus would be more likely to develop an attraction. But this is a superficial view of women’s attractiveness and drive. Studies have shown that women who are not content with themselves, who have a history of trickery or a partner whose tricks are more likely to be unfaithful whether they are employed or not.

9. Working mothers are intelligent  than non-working mothers

This is the kind of myth that bothers working mothers and non-working mothers. The reality is that working moms are statistically more likely to get a higher educational degree. That makes sense because, in the first place, college-bound women are more likely to want a career. However, those of us with a bachelor’s, a master’s degree, or even a doctorate are aware that the level of education of an individual has nothing to do with their overall understanding.

So, these are the most common myths about working mothers are here.

All has changed as we look back on time. The way of thinking has also shifted. Let us then shift our opinion once again and avoid these assumptions immediately. If a woman is a mother and chooses to work, then she is stronger than anyone would think. Despite what people think, she has the bravery to do it all.

Also Read: Effects of Working Parents on Child Development





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