
Causes Of Bleeding Gums During Pregnancy

bleeding gums during pregnancy

Weight gain, unexpected food cravings, and a persistent need to visit the washroom are some of the pregnancy symptoms that are frequently discussed. Nevertheless, there is not much discussion of some other symptoms. Bleeding gums during pregnancy are one of those signs of pregnancy. Approximately half of the pregnant women have red gums that are swollen and tender, which bleed when brushed especially. Read on to learn more about this sign of pregnancy.

Causes of Bleeding Gums During Pregnancy

The pregnancy hormones affect most of the body’s tissues, including the gums. That’s not the only explanation for the swollen, red sore gums, however. Here are some of the reasons why this might cause you to suffer:

  • Bleeding gums are a common occurrence because of the body’s hormonal changes.
  • The rise in progesterone during pregnancy makes it difficult for the body to fight plaque bacteria, leading to bleeding of the gums.
  • In addition, a pregnant woman is also faced with swollen gums due to an increase in the blood supply of 30 to 50 percent.
  • Deficiency in calcium and sugar food consumption weakens the teeth and causes toothache.

Symptoms of Bleeding Gums During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, gum disease could not only be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • Red or swollen gums
  • Tender Gums
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Loose teeth
  • Difficulty in chewing

Complications of Bleeding Gum During Pregnancy

In pregnancy, while swollen, tender gums are common, gingivitis can sometimes become severe. Periodontitis, a serious condition with inflamed and bleeding gums, requires a great deal of treatment and urgent attention. A tumor of pregnancy may form around the gums. These are circular red bumps that, due to the size, could become irritating. Once they split, the lumps will grow big and cause infection.

Treatment for Bleeding Gums During Pregnancy

The secret to preventing bleeding gums is to maintain good oral health. It is easy to treat pregnancy gingivitis with good grooming habits and a regular dentist visit. Here are some of the methods of treatment:

1. Surgery

A dentist may remove the tartar and plaque that brushing is unable to get rid of through a minor surgical procedure. Flap surgery involves removing the deep-seated tartars and lifting the gums. Then the gums are sutured around the teeth.

2. Oral Antibiotics

Antibiotics kill bacteria and the plaque in the mouth by inspecting the gum disease, making it possible for the gums to recover. Antibiotics are given by dentists as a shot or a tablet. It may also be applied directly to the gums as a gel or used as a mouthwash.

3. Mouth Rinse

Rinsing the mouth can also help to keep the acid and bacteria away, apart from practicing a regular brushing routine. Make sure to choose an alcohol-free mouth rinse as the presence of alcohol usually leads to dry mouth. Mouthwash is easy to use all day long. To find out the best-suited mouthwash, visit the dentist.

Prevention Of  Bleeding Gums During Pregnancy

Prevention, as they say, is always better than cure, the key to avoiding pregnancy gingivitis and associated oral problems is to practice good oral hygiene. Here are a few moves you need to take in your daily routine:

  • Brush your teeth once in the morning and another at least twice a day before going to bed.
  • Electric toothbrushes with rotating heads are effective for removing the plaque. If you smoke, give up smoking.
  • For diabetics, keeping your sugar level in check is crucial. Rinse your mouth with a good mouthwash every day.

Are Bleeding Gums Normal in Pregnant Women?

The body is going through major changes including raging hormones and a growing belly. Bleeding gums are one of the common conditions faced by women during pregnancy. It’s not something people need to think about, though. Bleeding gums or gingivitis is a mild form of gum disease during pregnancy. While thinking about it is not a significant issue, certain steps can be taken to maintain good oral health, such as oral antibiotics.

When To Call Doctor

If you have a serious toothache, painful bleeding gums, constant bad breath, loose teeth, growth in your mouth or receding gums, call the dentist immediately in addition to keeping the dentist aware of your dental conditions.

Bleeding gums during pregnancy is a common condition that you can keep testing. Bleeding gums during pregnancy are important for keeping them healthy during your pregnancy.

Also Read: Know All About Periodontitis

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