
Know What Is Chemical Pregnancy?

What is chemical pregnancy

Chemical Pregnancy: Cause, Symptoms & Treatment

A chemical pregnancy is a word used for a situation in which early miscarriage takes place within the first five weeks of pregnancy. It accounts for 50 to 70 percent of all miscarriages. And after obtaining a favorable pregnancy test is characterized by severe bleeding close to the moment of your anticipated era. Read more to recognize the symptoms of a it and if it occurs to you, how to cope with it.


What is a chemical pregnancy?

It is a very early miscarriage that happens soon after implantation. On a pregnancy test, it is not a false positive or false pregnancy, but a suitable pregnancy that ends in an abortion. Although the word appears to be a misnomer, because of the moment it takes place, it was referred to as a chemical pregnancy. Chemical pregnancies happen prematurely during pregnancy where the pregnancy can only be confirmed by a chemical test.



There can be no signs of a chemical pregnancy. Some females have an early miscarriage without realizing that they have been pregnant. These may include menstrual-like cramping of the stomach and vaginal bleeding within days of a favorable outcome of pregnancy for females who do have symptoms.

It is essential to note that bleeding does not always imply it after a favorable pregnancy test. Bleeding is also prevalent when the embryo is attached to the uterus during implantation. This method may break or harm small blood vessels along the uterine lining, leading to blood discharge. Often spot appears as a brownish or pink release. This is normal after conception for 10 to 14 days.

It generally does not last long enough to cause symptoms such as nausea and fatigue related to pregnancy.

This type of miscarriage differs from other miscarriages. During a pregnancy, miscarriages may happen at any moment. But before the 20th week, they’re more prevalent. On the other side, It always takes place soon after implantation. Since mostly menstrual cramping and bleeding are the only symptoms, some females believe that they have their menstrual cycle.


Chemical Pregnancy Causes:

It is unknown the precise cause of a chemical pregnancy. In most instances, however, the miscarriage is due to embryo issues, potentially owing to low sperm or egg quality. Other causes could include:

  • Abnormal levels of hormones
  • Uterine abnormalities
  • Outside uterus implantation
  • Chlamydia or syphilis like infections

The risk of a chemical pregnancy is increased with the age of 35 and some medical difficulties. Blood coagulation and thyroid disorders are among these.

Sadly, no known methods for preventing it are available.


Difference Between Chemical Pregnancy and Miscarriage

Basically, a chemical pregnancy is the same thing and the only difference is the time of loss between the two. Both are pregnancy losses but take place at various levels in the development of the child. When a female has a miscarriage after conception but before the fetus has begun to grow it is called a chemical pregnancy. The typical time for the women’s body to produce enough HCG for a good pregnancy test is around three to four weeks. At this time, an ultrasound scan has not yet begun to develop a gestational sac or placenta. Hence the term chemical, because a chemical test only confirms the pregnancy. After six weeks or more, doctors would call a pregnancy loss a miscarriage as an ultrasound scan can detect the fetus.



When you test positive for pregnancy and subsequently experience heavy bleeding and menstrual cramps, it is a chemical pregnancy. As ectopic pregnancies also have similar characteristics and can be dangerous, consulting a doctor is imperative at this point.



It does not always imply that you are unable to conceive and have a good delivery. While no specific treatment is available for this type of miscarriage, there are options for helping you to conceive.

If you have had more than one chemical pregnancy, your doctor will be able to do tests to determine possible underlying causes. This can reduce the risk of another chemical pregnancy if your doctor can treat the cause.

For instance, if an undiagnosed infection caused an early miscarriage, taking antibiotics to clear the infection may enhance your likelihood of future conceiving and getting a good delivery. If your uterus issues caused the miscarriage, you may need an operation to correct the problem and have a good pregnancy.

You should also know that a chemical pregnancy is not the only condition that the body produces the pregnancy hormone. With an ectopic pregnancy, higher concentrations of hCG may also happen. This is when an egg implants the uterus. Since an ectopic pregnancy can replicate it, your physician may carry out tests to rule this out.


It does not imply that your body is unable to have a good pregnancy. You may be able to receive adequate therapy if you know the reasons for an early pregnancy miscarriage. This may correct the underlying cause.

Talk to your doctor and discuss your alternatives. Your doctor may also provide data about support groups or counseling services. These can be critical if after a miscarriage you need emotional support.

Also Read:  Coping With Miscarriage




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