
Food Cravings And Aversions During Pregnancy

Food Cravings And Aversions During Pregnancy

Food Cravings And Aversions During Pregnancy

Food cravings and aversions during pregnancy are common. You may also have felt a sudden desire for certain foods, such as pickles, chocolates, sweets, chips, and types if you are pregnant. Feeling hungry or craving some kind of food during pregnancy is normal.

Sometimes these urges are so strong you wouldn’t let anything come your way. Have you ever wondered how your child and your body are affected?

What are Food Cravings?

When a person suddenly develops urges to eat specific foods, it is called food cravings. During pregnancy, cravings are extremely common and are something that goes through almost every woman. In the first and second trimesters of pregnancy, they usually occur.

The insatiable greed for sweet, spicy, salty or sour foods can range from early pregnancy craving. Chocolate cakes, desserts, pickles, dairy products, and fruits are among the most common food cravings.

What Is A Food Aversion?

Send your partner out on an ice cream run at midnight? For breakfast, grab a bowl of pickles? Food cravings are anticipated to be a familiar cliché during pregnancy.

But what about food aversions? If you were expecting to eat everything in sight while you were pregnant, then you might be surprised by your sudden hatred of what used to be your favorite snack.


Causes Of Food Cravings And Aversions During Pregnancy

Experts don’t understand what makes these hard-to-resistant food cravings and aversion during pregnancy; it may also be the way your body can let you know that your diet does miss some nutrients, such as vitamin C, calcium or iron. Cravings may also be the result of your need for stronger flavors during pregnancy, or the need for extra calories from your body now that it provides your baby with nutrition. Early pregnancy cravings may also be associated with an increase in pregnancy hormones during the first trimester. You may also feel a bit overwhelmed, tired, or emotional, and you’re just looking for your favorite comfort foods.

When Do Pregnancy Food Cravings And Aversions Start and End?

Food cravings and aversion may be an early indication of pregnancy, with all hormonal modifications occurring in your body occurring during the first trimester. Many females will have the chance of lowering their cravings in the next quarter, and all these aversions will be a thing of the past after your child is born. Some females have no aversion or cravings at all.

Common Pregnancy Cravings

The most prevalent food cravings among pregnant females are cheese, cakes, desserts, chocolate, fruits and peaches, and even meat.

In India, traditionally pregnancy has been connected with craving sour foods such as tamarind, lime and spicy and tangy foods such as pickles. Some pregnant females also like to gorge on high-calorie and sugar-rich foods.

What To Do About Food Cravings During Pregnancy?

It’s all you can think about when a craving hits, and you won’t accept any substitutes. As long as the food you want is fairly healthy, going ahead and having some is okay. In other words, if chocolate is all you want, eat a piece of chocolate! Sometimes it may not even be that you particularly want something, but you can not bear the idea of eating anything else. You may actually feel nauseated just thinking about getting close to any other food.

Food cravings and aversions during pregnancy are a normal part of pregnancy, although the cravings of two moms are not the same. You may not be able to get enough salty bites or something nice you really want. You might want to get something cold and crunchy, or you suddenly discovered yourself pairing foods that you would never usually dream of eating together. The stories of some old wives say you’re expecting a girl to crave sweets, while salty cravings mean you’re having a little boy. There is, of course, no scientific basis for this. In reality, during pregnancy, no one understands what leads to the craving of salt or sweets.

Cravings You Should Tell Your Doctor About

Some pregnant females may want non-food products such as clay, laundry detergent, dust, clay, ashes, chips of paint, or even ice. This is a disorder called pica, which can be a sign of nutritional deficiency. If you have the urge to eat non-food items, talk to your health care provider and don’t give in to these cravings as it can be detrimental to both you and your child.

Cravings are normal and sometimes even funny. You’re likely even going to have some fun craving stories of your own; why not share them with us? If you are interested in learning more about food, nutrition, and pregnancy, check out weight tracker for pregnancy nutrition. Read about other foods to avoid during pregnancy, or maintain track of your weight gain during pregnancy.

Your body is undergoing countless modifications as an expectant mother. The symptoms of food cravings or aversions can’t be stopped, but you can certainly outsmart them. Remember, for good growth and development, your child requires adequate nutrition. Feasting blindly on high-calorie foods and sweets will lead to issues such as excessive weight gain, gestational diabetes, etc. All you need to do at the end of the day is eat well, sleep well and appreciate!

Also Read: 18 Most Embarrassing Pregnancy Problems



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