
Effects Of Infections During Pregnancy

Effects Of Infections During Pregnancy

Pregnancy may be the most beautiful stage in the life of a woman. She takes the best care of her health, diet, lifestyle, and the environment and is cared for and pampered by everyone around her. Pregnancy, however, is due to its share of pain and you may feel extremely tired of being ill in this phase. During this beautiful journey, measures should be taken to prevent infection. This article will help you to understand and do what can be done to prevent these infections during pregnancy.

Infections That Can Affect a Pregnant Woman

Contracted infections during pregnancy are complicated as they affect not only mothers but also an unborn baby in some cases.

Learning about these infections is therefore important and can save lives for their timely cure. Here are a few infections that you and your baby need to guard against.

1. Urinary Tract Infection

Infection of the urinary tract or UTI is an infection of the urinary tract caused by bacteria entering the urethra and leaving the skin, rectum or vagina. Bladder (cystitis), kidney (pyelonephritis) or asymptomatic bacteriuria (urinary tract bacteria, without symptoms) may be affected by the infection. Asymptomatic bacteriuria and pyelonephritis may cause preterm labor and low-birth-weight.

UTI is characterized by discomfort or burning while urinating, muddy or foul-smelling or even bloody urine, frequent urination to urinate even when there is no urine in the bladder, and lower abdominal pain.

Some of the steps that can be taken to prevent this infection are drinking plenty of water, not holding on when urinating, practicing proper hygiene and cleaning from front to back after using the toilet. Treatment is handled by prescribing low-dose antibiotics recommended by the doctor.

2. Vaginal Infection

Infections of the vaginal yeast are caused by increased levels of hormones, for estrogen and progesterone. It causes the vagina to burn and is characterized by a whitish-yellow discharge. A medicated ointment is usually prescribed by doctors to treat it.

3. German Measles or Rubella

Contracting rubella during the first four months of pregnancy will result in severe damage to the baby including brain and heart defect likes, hearing loss, and cataract. It may even result in miscarriage.

Rubella signs include mild flu, nausea, red-pink rash, swollen lymph nodes, sore, red eyes, and painful joints. Receive medical advice as soon as possible in case of Rubella’s concern. Despite the fact that a screening test is performed during the fourth month of pregnancy to diagnose the virus, however, it is better to have all the required checks done before worrying about getting vaccinated against the disease.

4. Fifth Disease (Parvovirus)

Parvovirus B19V is the cause of the fifth disease. It usually occurs in young children and is characterized by red rashes on the cheek that give it the name ‘ slapped cheek disease.’ Some signs include runny nose, flu, and discomfort. It doesn’t pose much of a threat to a normal person. Also, it can be life-threatening in individuals with some RBC anomalies as it inhibits RBC production

Through saliva and nasal secretions, infection is spread. It can cause stillbirth, abortion, heart problems in the fetus, and anemia in the fetus during pregnancy. If contracted in the second trimester, this may result in a condition called hydrops that marks an increased amount of tissue fluid.

5. Herpes

Genital herpes is caused by herpes simplex virus that is spread with a partner with cold sores or oral herpes via genital contact or oral sex. Symptoms include red sores on the vagina or vulva that later turn into blisters and burst to turn into painful sores. Herpes can be treated in early pregnancy. A C section is performed in the final stage of pregnancy to prevent infection in the newborn baby.

6. Toxoplasmosis

Caused by a parasite called Toxoplasma gondi. The risk of transmitting this infection from mother to unborn child increases as pregnancy progresses. However, it becomes more serious if it is transmitted in the first trimester. It is spread through the use of undercooked meat or milk, the handling of contaminated soil or cat litter. It cannot be transmitted by any means other than mother to child during birth or by organ transplantation or blood transfusion from one person to another.

7. Zika Virus

Zika virus can also be spread by a mosquito or transmitted sexually. This induces microcephaly (an abnormally small head) in children during pregnancy. It can cause loss of visual, auditory, and voice, impaired development, and even seizures in later years. The best way to avoid Zika is to avoid going to places where the Zika virus is present.

Prevention For Infections During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, early treatment, and measures are needed to ensure a healthy baby. A to-be mom will take the following steps:

  • Ensure that all the immunizations necessary were performed before and during pregnancy.
  • In order to receive timely treatment, perform tests to detect infections (if any).
  • Wash your hands with soap and warm water on a regular basis.
  • Consume pasteurized milk at all times
  • Cook the food, especially meat, thoroughly.
  • Get plenty of water to drink.
  • Maintain a healthy diet that is well balanced.

You may not always be aware of an infections during pregnancy, so it’s important to pay attention to small changes in your body so you can provide the best protection for that precious life in your womb. Be prepared to welcome motherhood and all the little presents that you have in store.

Also Read: Brown Discharge During Pregnancy


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