Diet & Nutrition

Is It Safe To Eat Oysters During Pregnancy?

Eating Oysters During Pregnancy

Oysters are delicious and nutrient-rich. If you love to eat oysters, your craving can increase or not you want to lose your oysters for nine months in your pregnancy. But being seafood, is it possible to eat it during pregnancy, or is it at risk of contamination? Continue reading to know is it safe to eat oysters during pregnancy.

Is It Safe To Eat Oysters During Pregnancy?

Oysters can only be eaten if they are fresh and cooked thoroughly. Oysters are eaten primarily in raw form but can be harmful to pregnant women. Therefore make sure they are cooked thoroughly.

Eating Oysters During Pregnancy

Image Source – Unsplash

Side Effects of Eating Oysters During Pregnancy

Pregnant women must specifically avoid meat items that are raw or undercooked. Consumption of raw oysters would fall into the same category during pregnancy, which can lead to unwanted side effects. The following are a few of these.

1. Inefficient immunity during pregnancy

When a baby develops inside the body, the immune system steps down to control all processes. Uncooked or half-cooked oysters are unfortunately more likely to become intoxicated with food. At times, they may even trigger allergic reactions as a result of the final immune response.

2. Experiencing Gastrointestinal Problems

Since oysters may not be properly cooked or are typically fresh, bacteria are highly likely to invade the digestive tract and other areas of the body. Sometimes the infections caused by bacteria and fungi can be harmful to the body of the fetus and lead either to errors or severe breast injury. The bacteria may also lead to diseases that are sufficiently severe to cause a blood infection which could put the mother and the child at risk of life.

Benefits Of Eating Oysters During Pregnancy

Any meat products eaten raw or not cooked by subjecting a pregnant woman to a high degree of cooking is usually unhealthy. Oysters themselves, however, have different components which can be very good for a pregnant woman.

  • In the oysters, there are very significant amounts of vitamin E, potassium, magnesium, and various omega 3 acids. Both of these are highly recommended for a pregnant woman who can keep her heart safe and test for inflammation.
  • Zinc is a very important element among the many elements essential for the neurological development of the growing infant. While trace amounts can be present in various foodstuffs, the oysters are significantly present and make it a good option during pregnancy.
  • Another factor that should be considered for pregnant women is the intake of protein. Oysters are quite a protein-rich and relatively low in both fat and calories. This means that pregnant women struggle to control their weight are the perfect addition.
Eating Oysters During Pregnancy

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In oysters, nutrients are also present in other food sources. If you get the daily recommended amount of these nutrients from other food sources you don’t have to eat oysters for their health benefits. But you can do that only with some caution if you want to eat an oyster.

Measures To Take While Consuming Oysters

Although it poses the lowest and most beneficial risks to the mother to consume properly cooked oysters during pregnancy, it is necessary to take a few things into consideration before consuming oysters.

  • Buy shell varieties closed and shells not opened. Closed are new with a saltwater scent.
    Instead of stowing them for a later date, cook them directly after buying.
  • To clear the shell and remove contamination and bacteria, brush the shells. In general, oysters are cooked intact with the shell.
  • You should first boil the oysters by adding some herbs if you wish to fry or sauté the oysters. It removes any bad smell as well as perfectly cooks the interior meat.
  • Fully cook the oysters. Half-cooked oysters could still have parasites and bacteria. According to the United States Disease Control Centers and the FDA, to kill harmful bacteria and parasites, you should cook shellfish (which include oysters) up to 145 ° F.
  • Eat occasionally and in limited portions. More electrolytes (which can again induce dehydration) and mercury (which is toxic) may have been consumed by over-eating. You can have 8 to 12 ounces of mercury-containing fish and shellfish per week

Alternatives to Oysters

While oysters provide various advantages and nutrients that can barely be found in other foodstuffs, alternatives are often available. Fish oil supplements, peanuts, and pumpkin seeds, along with flaxseed oil or other cereals containing omega-3 acids that are more stable than oysters.

Oyster is safe as long as you properly prepare it and slowly eat it. Eat freshly cooked fish in order to eliminate the chance of infection of the bacteria. Do not eat oysters that are canned and steamed because they can not be safe. If you eat oysters or order from outside in a restaurant, you must make sure the seafood is cooked for you.

Also Read: Food Cravings And Aversions During Pregnancy


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