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Potential Health Benefits Of L-Arginine

Potential Health Benefits Of L-Arginine

L-arginine is an essential amino acid that plays an important role in constructing our body’s proteins. While arginine is synthesized within the body, under certain health conditions it is not produced in sufficient quantities to meet the metabolic needs. L-arginine supplements can be beneficial in such situations. The essential amino acid, which is nutritionally important, has many health effects and is used to treat different diseases. This can cure cardiomyopathy, decrease high blood pressure, reduce digestive inflammation, help treat diabetes or repair injuries, and improve the immune system. Read on for the potential health benefits of L- Arginine.

What Is L-arginine?

L-Arginine is a conditionally important proteinogenic amino acid (2-amino-5-guanidino-pentanoic acid). The compound, which relaxes the blood vessels in humans, has been extensively studied as a precursor of nitrate oxide. A person’s body contains l-arginine naturally, but it is supplemented in cases. The amino acid is recommended as oral medicines for people under other medicines.

Health Benefits Of L Arginine

Here are some of the potential health benefits of L-Arginine.

1. Treat Heart Disease

In a study, the symptoms of non-obstructive coronary artery disease were improved for a 6-month long oral administration of l-arginine. L-arginine is effective in the diagnosis of elevated blood cholesterol coronary disorders. It increases coronary artery blood flow. This can lead to the treatment of multiple heart diseases.

The precursor to nitric oxide is L-arginine. Specific physiological effects in the cardiovascular system include nitric oxide. L-arginine can improve symptoms of cardiovascular disease by oral administration.

L-arginine dietary supplementation, along with daily exercise, has also been shown to support chronic heart failure patients. It has anti-inflammatory and metabolic effects that help to treat cardiovascular disease non-diabetic patients.

Potential Health Benefits Of L-Arginine

2. Reduce High Blood Pressure

Oral l-arginine administration may substantially decrease both the systemic and diastolic levels of blood pressure. External l-arginine also decreased systemic and diastolic levels, both in healthy humans and in hypertension patients, rapidly. For women with gestational hypertension, l-arginine supplemented at 4 grams a day could substantially lower blood pressure. The supplement decreased the need for treatment for antihypertension. The supplementation of L-arginine may improve the blood pressure levels in pregnant women with chronic hypertension. This supplement can also provide high-risk pregnancy protection.

Potential Health Benefits Of L-Arginine

3. Treat Gastrointestinal Tract Problems

L-arginine has the ability to improve colonic motility. This can also relieve GI pain. However, there is a need for more long-term studies to understand this impact of l-arginine in humans.

4. Boost Immune Health

By activating the lymphocytes ( white blood cells), L-arginine will improve immune function. The levels of intracellular l-arginine directly influence the metabolic fitness and survival ability of T cells (a type of white blood cell) that are essential for anti-tumor responses.

A basic amino acid for the role of T cells (T-cells), L-arginine is an essential amino acid. Cancer patients usually have an impaired T‐cell response that can reduce the possible therapeutic value of cancer vaccines and other types of immunotherapy. L-arginine can regulate the role of T-cells in chronic inflammatory diseases and in cancer.

In autoimmune and neoplastic (tumor-related) diseases, l-arginine metabolism plays a major role.

The ingestion of L-arginine prevents breast cancer development by strengthening innate immune responses.

5.  Improve Blood Flow

Infusion of L-arginine was discovered to facilitate hypertensive regional cerebral blood flow. This may also boost blood vessel dilation (hyper cholesterol reduction) in humans (high blood levels of cholesterol).

In healthy subjects, L-arginine infusion may inhibit the aggregation and viscosity of the platelet as well as promoted leg blood flow. It can also increase post-traumatic blood flow in rats.

6.  Aid Weight Loss

Fat metabolism has shown to be improved by L-arginine. It will help to minimize weight. The amino acid affects energy consumption and fat loss balance. This also changes brown adipose tissue and reduces body white fat accumulation.

Further long-term work is therefore required to clarify this benefit of l-arginine in humans.

7. Improve Hair Growth

Anecdotal evidence indicates that l-arginine can contribute to hair development. This amino acid can relax the blood vessels and stimulate the scalp and hair follicle base blood flow. Research in this aspect, however, is minimal.

Potential Health Benefits Of L-Arginine

8. Treat Burns

L-arginine was shown to improve cardiac performance during burn injuries. Bacterial translocation can also be prevented.

In the early stages of burns, L-arginine supplementation was found to help to re-emerge the burn shock.

The synthesis of restoring collagens in burnt rats could be increased with oral L-Arginine supplementation of 100–400 mg/kg/day

9. Heal Wounds

Dietary collagen deposition and wound healing have been shown to increase in humans as well as in animals. L-arginine can improve the role of the wound immune cell by reducing the inflammation in the wound.

So, these are potential benefits of L-Arginine.

Side Effects Of L-Arginine

Excess ingestion of L-arginine (these are uncommon and mostly dose-dependent) can cause side effects. Enhanced signs of diabetes, asthma, pain, and blowing stomach, chemical imbalances in the blood, or elevated risk of bleeding in pregnant women include high blood pressure.

At higher doses ranging from 15 to 30 g per day, nausea and diarrhea have been recorded rarely. L-arginine consumption seems to be healthy in normal quantities and in this regard there have been no records of side effects. But l-arginine should be avoided for breastfeeding and pregnant mothers.

Risks Of L-Arginine

L-arginine may pose a serious risk to a certain group of people. After a heart attack, L-arginine can lead to an increased risk of death. This may also make it more difficult to regulate blood pressure during surgery. The amino acid may cause babies and children severe illness and may also have adverse effects with other blood pressure control medications. L-arginine is, therefore, safe to eat in small doses. There is minimal concrete research in this field. Consult your doctor.

L-arginine has many health benefits and is a primary amino acid. This amino acid has many benefits, from reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease to improving exercise efficiency. This is easily found in the foods you consume. Be vigilant about the dose though if you use it as an addition. Excess intake can cause several side effects of l-arginine. You will want to consult with your doctor before you take l-arginine supplements if you are pregnant or lactate or have some medical condition.

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