Health & wellness

Know The Side Effects Of Honey

Side effects of honey

Honey offers many benefits for health. It contains antioxidants and some other essential minerals. It’s currently being sold as a healthy alternative to sugar. But the opinions on honey have been mixed lately. While it’s considered nutritious by supporters, opponents believe otherwise. Honey can cause allergies, botulism in an infant’s weight gain and increased blood sugar levels. Can you continue to add honey to your toast for breakfast, or do you think twice? Scroll down to learn more about the side effects of honey.

Side Effects Of Honey

1. Cause Allergies

Even though allergies to honey are uncommon, increased consumption of honey-containing foods as a key ingredient can put one at risk. Individuals with pollen allergies could also be allergic to honey. Honey allergies can lead to anaphylaxis, a disorder that is potentially life-threatening. Skin rashes, facial swelling, nausea, vomiting, are characteristic of it. Propolis is believed to be caused by Propolis and is used by bees during the production of honeycombs.

2. Cause Infant Botulism

Botulism develops in an infant when a bacterial spore ingests a toxin in the body. The presence of C botulinum in honey, which is a bacterial strain, is responsible for this. The motor and autonomic functions in the child may be interrupted by child-botulism. Symptoms may include constipation, floppy eyes, loss of facial expression and head control, weak cry, and respiration failure.

3. May Elevate Blood Sugar Levels

While honey may be a better alternative to table sugar, sugar is still present. Studies say people with diabetes should be cautious in taking honey. Honey consumption over a long period of time will increase blood levels of hemoglobin A1C (hemoglobin bound to glucose). The increased risk of diabetes can be associated with a high hemoglobin A1C.

Honey can have similar effects to table sugar and to high-fructose corn syrup (a toxic additive). Several reports, however, also claim the honey’s anti-diabetic effects.

Honey may not be detrimental to diabetes sufferers. It too may have some beneficial effects. But if you’re dealing with complications with diabetes, we recommend that you talk to your doctor before you include it in your diet.

4. Cause Diarrhea

Diarrhea can result from sweetness. This contains more than glucose-fructose. This could lead to inadequate absorption of fructose in the body, which could cause diarrhea

5. Promote Tooth Decay

Honey has a sugar content and is sticky. In the long run, this may result in tooth decay if your mouth is not properly rinsed after eating honey.

In children, honey can cause tooth decay, particularly if they use honey-dipped pacifiers. Sugar in honey can supply oral bacteria with food, thus enhancing their growth.

Some of us consider the effects of natural sugars such as honey that create a cavity close to refined sugar. This aspect, however, lacks research.

6. Cause Bleeding

Honey might have an inhibitory effect on blood clotting. While it’s unknown whether this will cause bleeding, there is a risk. If you have any issues with bleeding, please check with your doctor before you take honey.

7. Lead To Weight Gain

There are 64 calories in one tablespoon of honey (21 gram). The calories are relatively high. Though this may not seem like a lot, for a long time a number of such tablespoons will add up every day. This is particularly true if one does not make any changes in lifestyle accordingly.

Honey is added to the sugar. It is a sugar that is added in manufacturing to other foods and beverages. Frequent intakes of added sugars have been related to weight gain. In general, lower intake of added sugars was linked to lower weight gain.

8. Cause Food Poisoning

Honey, of course, contains microbes. Bacteria, yeast, and molds that are made from soil, air dirt and pollen are included. However, since honey is antimicrobial, these microbes are generally not an issue.

There’s a possibility, however, that honey may carry secondary contamination. This can come from human processing, container production, wind, and dust. While this is unusual, caution is necessary. If you have a history of food toxicity, avoid sweetness or only buy it from a reliable seller.

These are some of the side effects of honey. The consumption of honey can have adverse effects on the body, so honey precautions must be taken against its negative and harmful effects.

Honey is a beneficial ingredient that has significant properties. But the excess intake may cause problems due to its content of fructose.
Honey can cause weight gain, allergies and increase blood sugar levels as well. When eating honey, consult your doctor if you have any specific medical condition.

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