
Know What Is TikTok’s Skull Breaker Challenge?

Know What Is TikTok’s Skull Breaker Challenge?

The challenges of TikTok drew a huge number of users all over the globe. What started as a fun place to lip-sync and dance to short audio clippings has now become a series of obstacles of differing levels of risk. One such recently viral TikTok challenge has been the#SkullBreakerChallenge. Yeah, that is just as scary as it sounds. The Skull Breaker Challenge’s first-ever video was shot and released not long ago in Europe and has been doing rounds on the Internet ever since. Many children who took part in the challenge got seriously injured.

What Is Skull Breaker Challenge?

This risky and growing challenge to TikTok is being played on the one standing in the center. Next, the two participants stood on either side and jumping together. Instead, the one in the middle jumps, but the other two kick both of his / her legs and he/she falls backward. Check out the video below to see how it’s done.

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ПОИГРАЕМ?? Среди детей и подростков быстро распространяется опасная игра skull breaker challenge☠ ? Суть игры: трое детей становятся в линию и подпрыгивают. В момент прыжка двое, стоящих по краям, подсекают, стоящего в середине. Ребёнок падает, ударяется затылком и позвоночником. Возможные последствия: сотрясение мозга, проломленная голова, сломанная шея и позвоночник. Предупредите пожалуйста детей об опасных последствиях челенджа! #стопугрозауфа #мамыуфы #родителиидети #воспитание #взаимопонимание #безопасность #дети #семья #детивбезопасности #опаснаяигра #skullbreakerchallenge

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Why Is This Challenge A Big Concern For Parents?

Because of several causes, the Skull Breaker Challenge is a big concern for parents, the most significant being the accidental fall which could lead to serious injuries. The one who is going to fall may or may not be conscious that the challenge is a prank. Either way, it is impossible to deny the impact and chances of injury that the skull breaker challenge could cause.

In fact, a misleading promise to children that the challenge is a fun activity or a competition to see who is going higher can be sought.

What is troubling is that some kids might be intimidated or forced into taking part in the Skull Breaker Challenge. Many cases reported worldwide were injured by teenagers after being pranked or bullied into the challenging game. The tagging phenomenon of friends and family trying to complete the task could lead to more casualties, too.

As a parent, you must understand the dangers for children in the Skull Breaker Challenge. Here is a full list of injuries that can cause this challenge-

  • Serious Head Injuries
  • Back and Spine Injury
  • Neck Sprain/ Neck Strain
  • Injuries to the Joints and the Limbs

Tips To Keep Children Safe From Such Social Media Challenges

This TikTok challenge has not yet happened in India, but the videos on the social media app are in demand and could find a way through our cell phones. Here you can do what you can to keep your children safe from such obstacles:

  • See if your child has an account on social media.
  • If he does, keep an eye on the account of their activities.
  • Stay up-to-date on social media platforms for emerging problems.
  • Look for other exciting things that your child can do.
  • Most of the time, it’s boredom that drives children to take part in social media activities like this.
  • If your child wants to use social media platforms, teach him to discern between dangerous and healthy challenges.
  • Carry on these challenges with him and encourage him to take part in them for a good reason.

The Skull Breaker Challenge may sound like yet another challenge to the trend. It can not be overlooked because of the threats it brings to children. Being accessible and having an open conversation can help you deal with such trends in social media, and keep your children safe.

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