Behavior & discipline

Why Is It Important To Teach Self Control to Kids?

Why Is It Important To Teach Self Control to Kids?

It’s not easy to raise kids. They don’t understand the value of it if you continue to meet their demand, they throw tantrums if you do not fulfill their demands. If you’re at a party or a crowded place, and your kids are acting stubbornly and throwing tantrums, it can be frustrating not to mention embarrassing for your parents. But how are you coping with your children’s behavior? Are you shouting at them or simply explaining? If your children are demanding and don’t listen to you, don’t worry! There are a few ways of coping with children in public, and one way you should try is to teach self control to kids.

Importance Of Teaching Self Control to Kids

The art of self-control is a crucial learning capacity for children to improve later in life as mature adults. To children in their daily lives, the ability to control themselves may be beneficial. Teaching them to regulate their feelings in the event of a confrontation, to regulate their aggressive actions and to consider delayed gratification – all of these aspects fall within the self-control art that will turn them into mature individuals.

In contrast to their peers, children lacking self-control face more behavioral issues, which is another important reason for teaching them this art. Yet what is children’s self-control? Perhaps as parents, we feel it is better for a child to fulfill his demands rather than to yell, cry and tantrum, which is perhaps why a child is first and foremost stubborn. But you can mold your child’s actions with a little patience.

Tips To Teach Self – Control To Kids

Here are some activities and techniques that you can use to practice the art of self-control with your child:

 1. Set Rules

For younger children, this is important. You will explain your child’s rules, what is required of him or her, what is acceptable or what is not. You may thus enable him to manage himself in a controlled way. The simpler the rules and the more straightforward they are, the easier it will be to remind your child of them.

2. Don’t compromise with the bedtime of your child

Children make a fuss every night to go to bed. Using the reluctance to go to bed as a chance to teach them self-control and independence. Let your kids sleep in good time, and adopt a routine before bed.

Why Is It Important To Teach Self Control to Kids?

Image Source – Pixabay

3. Change Tasks into Games

If children enjoy learning it, they can quickly master the art of self-control. So transform tasks such as cleaning toys or doing homework into a fun, meaningful and satisfying game at the end of the day. It will get them motivated.

4. Give Rewards

If you try any positive reinforcement, children are more likely to replicate good behavior. Give rewards to your child for showing self-control in various circumstances. You may send him a sticker calendar, for example, for every act of self-control he shows every single day. It will make your kiddo happy and he will be improving the ability very soon.

Why Is It Important To Teach Self Control to Kids?

Image Source – Pixabay

5. Use a reminder

Kids get distracted quickly and have difficulty recalling items. So as parents, sending your child timely reminders will help him learn more quickly about the art of self-control. If your child is upset, for instance, remind him instantly what you told him about self-control and ask him to take deep breaths to calm down. You should also remind him about being polite to other kids every day before he goes to school and exercises self-control if his friends say bad things to him and not get upset.

6. Shift your response to wrongdoings

Giving in the demand of your child when he cries or yells won’t help him develop self-control. Without raising your voice or resorting to intimidation, being strong and unyielding will go a long way to teaching your child self-control. This will take the parent a lot of patience but the benefits will outweigh that.

7. Give a Break

If children have self-control in one task, they are stressed out of it, and the second task is not the same. So just give them a break from time to time. This will allow them to slowly develop self-control before they are confident enough to practice it regularly without help.

Self-Control Activities

There are other self-control exercises for pre-school students that you can do to help them enjoy. Here are some of them –

1. Blowing Bubbles

Blowing bubbles, thanks to deep breathing, is an exercise that restores calmness. If your child starts to show signs of frustration, ask him to blow bubbles to maintain control over himself. Also, if they feel frustrated, upset or sad you might give your child things such as fidget spinners or stress balls and encourage him to use them.

Why Is It Important To Teach Self Control to Kids?

Image Source – Pixabay

2. No-Laughing Game

This is a well-known game in which you turn and laugh. When you play this game, you can take turns with your kids. Communication with the eye is a must and there is no touch. This is an activity that allows your child to learn the art of self-control while trying to maintain a serious face and not laugh.

3. Play Hide-and-Seek

Hide-and-Seek is a great game to teach a child how to stay calm. Stay quiet and wait before anyone notices you are a great self-control exercise. It helps your child understand this in a fun way.

4. Marshmallow Test

Give a marshmallow to your child and tell him he can eat it immediately if he likes, however, if he waits for fifteen minutes before eating, he’ll be rewarded with a marshmallow. The way it works on its self-control is excellent and enjoyable.

These are some of the activities that you should try is to teach self-control to kids.

It takes a certain amount of time, effort, and persistence to teach a child self-control, but it will prepare your child for the future. Your child will grow up into a sure, productive person, ready to fight any battle. Anything big begins tiny, so support your kid master and see him grow into a human adult!

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