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History And Significance Of World Contraception Day

History And Significance Of World Contraception Day

If you are a breastfeeding mother thinking of getting intimate with your spouse or a couple who don’t want to become pregnant soon, all you have to do is to avoid surprises, in either case. You have multiple birth control options available, but with little to no accurate contraception-related knowledge available, you are likely to have questions about this. This is where the campaign for World Contraceptive Day comes in! World Contraception Day is an international global movement aimed at raising awareness about contraceptives and educating people on the different choices for birth control.

What is World Contraception Day?

The World Contraception Day, which is observed every year on 26 September, is an annual global campaign to increase awareness of contraception. This initiative seeks to raise awareness of a woman and her partner’s birth control methods so that she can make informed decisions about the reproductive health of the family. This global campaign promotes improved sex education so that no unplanned or unwanted pregnancy can occur!

History And Significance Of World Contraception Day

History of World Contraception Day

On 26 September 2007, ten international Family Planning Organizations observed World Contraception Day for the first time in order to raise awareness about contraception and allow couples to make informed decisions about family formation so that all pregnancy is wanted. The WCD supports healthy and effective methods of family planning and contraception. A group of fifteen international NGOs, governmental bodies, scientific and health societies with a view to disseminating proper awareness of sexual and reproductive health is sponsored by World Contraception Day.

How Do You Contribute On World Contraception Day

Sexual activity is an important part of our life, but in many countries talking about sex or reproductive health is still a taboo. World Contraceptive Day, the global initiative is aimed at improving through educating couples and women about reproductive health and the different methods of birth control available to them. Here is what you can do to help with the World Day initiative on contraceptives on this day.

  • Keep up-to-date and educate others. If you have teenage children, nieces, or nephews, speak them about the value of contraceptives and their sexual wellbeing. But make sure the sound is friendly while you’re at it. You must make them conscious, not scare them!
  • You will get the right details about birth control if you are in your reproductive years and have an involved sex life. Speak to a doctor about different methods of birth control, and pick one after taking into account the protection and side effects. Test your concerns and answer all your questions from your gynecologist in the prevention of pregnancy.
  • Visit schools or take webinars to teach school children about different methods of contraception regarding sexual wellbeing and adolescent children.
  • Discuss the safe methods of contraception and help them prevent premature pregnancy with your family and friends.

History And Significance Of World Contraception Day

Contraception Importance 

An untimely and unwanted pregnancy will definitely be avoided by using protection when getting under the sheets with your partner. But there are a variety of advantages of using contraception, which the global initiative on World Contraceptive Day seeks to make people aware of. This is why it requires contraception:

  • In family planning the use of contraceptives helps. Informing themselves different methods of birth control will help a woman (and couples) determine when and how many children they want. A couple can choose when to start having kids, how far apart they want their kids to be, and when they should stop. Maintaining an optimal gap between two or more pregnancies may help them prepare for the education needs and other needs of their children financially.
  • Young girls and women who are not mentally and physically prepared for pregnancy will benefit from the use of contraception. Until their bodies are prepared for the same, women can prevent pregnancy with the aid of contraception. Contraception may also help older women protect pregnancy, particularly if they are expected to experience risks or complications related to pregnancy, thus reducing the need for abortion.
  • Birth control also has the ability to regulate population growth. While it is a person’s choice to have a baby or more, more children can increase the population. And overpopulation will bring pressure on resources such as climate, economy, health, and education.

Facts About Contraception

Here are some interesting facts concerning contraception which may surprise you:

  • In the US most women aged 15 to 44 use contraceptives.
  • The pill remains a common option for many women on birth control, but its use declined as women age.
  • Another common method of contraception among women in the US is tubal ligation (or having the tubes tied).
  • Contraceptive patches and pills have to be changed each week and month as the patch and ring have to be changed, while the pill must be taken every day. Taking the pill every day can be difficult for a woman to recall.
  • Contraceptive methods such as implants and IUDs are considered to be the most successful because their rate of failure is below 1%.

Barriers are required and can be useful! Using your birth control if you don’t want to get pregnant prematurely and enjoy your wife deeply without worries.


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